Science Proves An Almighty God.


For Some Awesome Proof Of The Creator Of The Universe, Click On This Picture:God-creation

Or Here:

Before we talk science, know this:

Believing in the existence of God does not make you or anyone else a Christian. Did you know that? I didn’t know that until I was twenty-six years old.

People imagining they are Christians only by believing in God is just one way that millions of people have been deceived. If you are one of the many who have that false belief, please stay tuned! (FYI: Being religious and attending church is not how to become a Christian, either.)

God wants us to know the truth, to have inner peace and joy now, and to be with Him in Heaven when our souls leave Earth!

You are not reading this by accident! God led you here.

Did you know there is overwhelming evidence for the existence of God? Well, there is. I will tell you more about that later. First, I’ll ask you a more important question.

God Loves You!

Did you know that God loves you and wants you to discover Him and know Him personally? Well, He does!  He cares deeply about every single one of His creations, INCLUDING YOU! 

Before I get into how science proves God’s existence, how science, our Creator, and the Bible are all 100% compatible with one another, I first want to tell you whoever you are and whatever you may be struggling with in your life, Jesus is the solution!

Jesus Is Your Solution!

Not only does He love you and want you to know Him, but He is an all-powerful supernatural being, eternally existent, outside the realm of space and time, and He can deliver you from any bondage you may be struggling with!

Whether you are experiencing depression, anxiety, drug addiction, sexual sin of any kind, anger, gender confusion, or anything else in this crazy world we live in, God can deliver you and set you free!

If you desire freedom and inner peace, you have come to the right destination! I promise you aren’t here by accident! If you want to know how science and our Creator are in complete harmony, you are also in the right place!

Maybe you desire to know about all of that!

Jesus is often referred to as The Prince Of Peace. He definitely is, but that is because of the inner peace He offers! He will also bring physical peace on Earth when He comes back to reign on the new Heaven and Earth, but until then, He offers every individual inner peace that comes only after we make peace with God the Father.

I will share “How God Says you can have that peace if you keep reading.

Did you know that countless scientists seriously doubt or completely reject Darwinian Evolution Theory?

The propagandist media doesn’t want us to know about dissenting views. Here are well over 1,000 Ph. D.s just for starters.

What Is Your Worldview?

Does truth exist? Why do we exist? What are we? What is consciousness?  What happens to our consciousness after we die? Are miracles possible? What do you believe about God and morality?

What you believe about those questions determines your worldview.

What do you base your beliefs on regarding those questions or any other beliefs for that matter? The authority of your beliefs is what, who, or where you base your beliefs and worldview.

What Or Who Is Your Authority?

Is the authority for your beliefs your feelings? Is your authority a scientist, a teacher, a church, a doctor, a philosopher, a priest, a pastor, your friends, or your parents? Or is the authority of your beliefs God?

Please understand me. I am not suggesting that we should ignore all other authorities. We should respect authority and treat everyone kindly, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are the authority for our beliefs.

Maybe you believe everything that makes you feel good. Maybe you believe your favorite newsman or newswoman. Maybe you believe truth is unknowable.

Why Trust Me? Who Am I?

I am just a person who knows God personally. You can know Him too. He offers that to everyone, but most people don’t realize it, mainly because of all the distractions and lies in this world.

I am just a man who cares about you and everyone else. You are a living soul. I want you to have the peace inside that I have, and I also want you to go to Heaven. Whether you trust me or not is up to you, of course.

Who Is Right?

There are so many different opinions and worldviews on our planet. And finding trustworthy sources can definitely be a challenge.

We can all believe whatever we want. Yet, when our views contradict each other, we cannot all be right. We could all be wrong, but our differing beliefs certainly cannot all be right. That is part of the Law Of Non-Contradiction.

So many people are sincere and passionate about their beliefs. However, they can still be sincerely and passionately wrong and deceived.

An intelligent being has left His fingerprints all over our universe. It is only logical that He would also reveal Himself personally, in addition to leaving so much evidence of His existence.

He has done so in the Bible.

Another Quick Science Sample Below!

(An awesome video above by an awesome scientist on the channel of an awesome ministry)

Who Is Jesus?

I consider and value many opinions of people from the past and present. However, I don’t base my worldview on men and women (except the one man who claimed to be God in human form, Jesus the Messiah).

That same God-man walked the earth in the Middle East around 2,000 years ago and is alive today, holding this universe together with His power and sovereignty. Jesus also said the Bible is inherent and infallible. He is the living Word that became flesh.

 Jesus claimed to be God when He walked the earth, and He still claims to be God when He speaks through His Word here and now, which is recorded on the pages of the Bible. They didn’t crucify Him for teaching people to love their neighbor!

Jesus Is Lord! Jesus is the Son of God, and He is God the Son. You can’t just acknowledge Him only as some great teacher. Everyone identifies Jesus in one of the three following descriptions, whether you realized it before now or not.

He was either God in the flesh, a liar, or a crazy man. Indeed, He was and is a great teacher, but He also must have been one of those other three things because He claimed to be God.

We all Must Choose.

The God of the Bible is manifested in Jesus. Jesus was the Word that became flesh, and the Truth recorded on the pages therein is the ultimate authority of a genuine Christian. Those facts are a must for any follower of Jesus to believe.

At least hundreds of millions and upwards of probably billions of people throughout the centuries, have agreed with the same worldview as mine and shared the same authority of Biblical and Historical Christianity.

An indirectly related video, but a great message!

One of the primary missions of this website is to display the numerous reasons and mountains of evidence that make the God of the Bible the most logical, probable, and deserving entity upon which someone could place their faith and point to as their authority for such.

The Bible is the only firm foundation, and all else is on but sinking sand. I will back up that statement consistently on this website.

Fulfilled Prophecy And Archaeology.

I trusted the Bible before I knew it had hundreds of verifiable prophecies written in it many hundreds of years before the events had taken place. Someone verbally sharing God’s Word convinced me of who God was.

God gets different people’s attention and hearts through different circumstances, but I believe faith is what naturally follows reason and logic. God gave us brains and wants us to use them. 

The Biblical prophecies alone have brought thousands and probably millions of people to faith in Jesus Christ! Archeological finds throughout the centuries have continued to prove the historical accuracy of the Bible.

Those things either cause or strengthen and increase the faith of so many people.

All the incredible prophecies in the Bible that have come true are more than enough to convince most people if they have them presented.

No other book or faith tradition has prophecy on its side. The Christian Bible has hundreds. Case closed…checkmate!

Although, too many people have no idea about the hundreds of fulfilled prophecies in God’s Word. Most people have never even read the Holy Bible, which is very sad.

Brilliant Scientists Aren’t My Final Authority Either.

There are so many scientists who are Christians because they have seen a design revealed over and over in their field of study. Amazing design is found from out in the cosmos all the way down to the cells in our bodies.

I think that’s cool, and it’s nice to have intelligent scientific minds on our side, but I don’t need science or smart scientists to agree with the Bible in order for me to have faith in God. Many people feel they need a certain amount of scientific harmonization to come to faith, which is okay.


Science and Scientists aren’t the authority of my beliefs and worldview. I came to faith in Jesus before I saw all the mountains of evidence for creation in the sciences. However, I am thankful their great minds are out there to strengthen faith and break strongholds for those who need more evidence.

Knowing these men and women, their discoveries, and learning about their work can help people understand the truth and lead them toward faith.

Therefore, I will often highlight them and their work. There are so many brilliant scientists and researchers who devote their lives to disproving the lie that science and faith are mutually exclusive. They are a valuable asset for people wanting to validate their beliefs through a modern scientific lens.

In addition, knowing so many scientists worldwide reject macroevolution and believe in God strengthens the existing faith of many believers. I will admit that having great scientific minds on the side of creation is awesome to learn about.

I also realize that some people won’t even come to faith unless they first know about scientists believing in God and how science is compatible with the Bible.

That is similar to how many people also reject God because of atheist scientists and the false assumptions and philosophies they teach. The self-proclaimed atheists each have a religion of their own. Evolution and Humanism are a couple of examples that are definitely religions to many.

Earth’s atmosphere, climate, water, and soils are the textures and shades on the palette of the Master Artist!


(The video above is from The John 10:10 Project)

Logic Time!

How can anyone see all the beauty and majesty surrounding us in this world and universe and not see and hear God’s glory and power being exclaimed?

 There is plenty of scientific as well as logical evidence for the existence of our Creator.

It is important to remember that science doesn’t say anything; scientists do. The interpretation of the data and the presuppositions of the scientist determine their opinion of the data.

God’s Existence Can Be Proven With Simple Logic.

Here Are Some Examples:

Cosmological Argument.

1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.

2. The universe began to exist.

3. Therefore, the universe has a cause.

4.  Creator God is the most probable and logical cause for the universe’s beginning.


Teleological And Moral Argument Samples…a.k.a More Logic:

1. No design without a designer.

2. No building without a builder.  

 3. No program without a programmer.

4. No purpose without a purpose giver.

5. No life without a first, eternal life.

6. No morality without a moral lawgiver.

Further Moral Arguments.

1. Every law has a lawgiver.

2. There is a moral law.

3. Therefore, there is a moral lawgiver.


1. If God does not exist, then objective moral values do not exist.

2. Objective moral values do exist.

3. Therefore, God exists.

Isaiah 40:12

Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand
or marked off the heavens with the span of His hand?
Who has gathered the dust of the earth in a measure
or weighed the mountains in a balance
and the hills in the scales?


(The video above is from

There Is Evidence Of God All Around.

While cosmological arguments argue from the existence of the cosmos, teleological arguments (also known as intelligent design arguments) argue for God’s existence from the design of the cosmos and biological life.

Design in the universe is clearly displayed, allowing biological life to live on Earth. For instance, if Earth were a little farther from the sun, we would freeze; if we were a little closer, we would burn up. The distance now is just right for water to exist, for seasons, and for the ability to grow food.

The spiral galaxy we are in, where we are located in the galaxy, which is the outer arm, the kind of star we orbit, the size of our moon, and the makeup of our atmosphere all go into making biological life possible.

It is a proven fact that our universe and bodies have been designed, which is no longer debatable. Although, we must still have the debate because the world needs to know the facts.

Evidence In The Cell.

Biological life has obviously been designed. One major example is the amount of specified complexity inside the human body. That and many other examples will be given on this site. The micro-machines discovered in our bodies make our design abundantly clear!

For example, in the video below, this little machine (in your cells) destroys the theory of molecules to man evolution! Nanotech in cells exists, and they have a creator and designer. Case closed…checkmate.

(The above video is from

A simplified description of the misunderstanding of Evolution.

Each kind can now and has been adapting and forming new species reflecting the genetic variation and diversity in their DNA. God created each creature’s DNA within a kind.

The diversity within every creature in history, which has allowed speciation, has existed ever since creation week, and it was placed there by an intelligent Creator. After the worldwide flood, an increase in adaptation probably occurred since the Earth’s ecosystems and climate underwent radical changes.

Speciation and adaptation are words often used as if they were examples of evolution. They are not! God created each kind with a vast amount of genetic variation to enable them to adapt to a constantly changing world.

Although, the kind of each creature is the boundary. One kind of creature will never change into a completely different one. Variety and change within a kind are expected in the creation model, and that is exactly what we observe in Biology.

However, Evolutionists believe one kind changed into a totally different kind. For instance, they teach children that a small land mammal supposedly evolved back into the ocean to become a whale…that is ludicrous!

The change of a kind would require the addition of brand-new, functioning genetic information to the code for new forms and features. That has never been observed because it is science fiction, not science.

We don’t observe, nor will we ever observe one kind changing into another, and we don’t observe the forming of new genetic information.

Evolutionists are the ones who believe in fairy tales, lol.

Watch Out For Fake News!

Many societal institutions have deceived the average person with propaganda and regularly lie about what science does and does not reveal.

For example, there are multitudes of proven lies and other inaccurate data in commonly used textbooks all across the United States. There is systematic priming and grooming of children in our schools with post-modern worldviews and secular humanism well before they are sent to colleges, where legions of dishonest prognosticators of fake science continue their brainwashing.

I am not claiming that all teachers are ravenous wolves or wolves in sheep’s clothing. Many great teachers are not trying to indoctrinate their students or uproot their faith, but there are a lot who definitely are.

And even more who are just there for a paycheck and summers off, and they are indifferent to the postmodern brainwashing they are a part of.

Silence In A Cancel-Culture. 

Sadly, those non-wolf types of educators seem to be the minority in K-12, and especially in colleges. Too many of the descent don’t speak out against the false narratives and destructive worldviews that they witness being perpetuated.

I understand their fear, but it doesn’t make their silence justified. The wicked prognosticators may persecute and even try to cancel you, but standing for biological and moral truth is the best thing we can do for children and all of society wherever we are.

Some faculty are God-haters, and some are little more than complicit cowards. The comfortable cowards exist from the classroom all the way up the chain to the politicians on the school boards and beyond.

There are many documented cases of real scientists and honorable professors in academia who have been marginalized and even persecuted for going against the evolutionist propaganda machine. They have been stripped of funding, denied tenure, and even lost their jobs.

Some of them are Christians, and others are not.  Many at least believe in a God or some other intelligent being as the designer of everything because design is what the evidence repeatedly shows. This is well-known in the scientific community as Intelligent Design.

Often called ID, Intelligent Design is a scientific theory that states the features of the universe and the living things therein are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected process, such as natural selection alone.

Evolving To Something Worse.

Much of the news media and most of Hollywood are a corrupt Godless cesspool…kind of like Congress and other branches and arms of our government. Satan loves all the tools at his disposal.

When children and adults are taught that they are just evolved animals, those who believe the lies will act like animals.

The Marxist model successfully used to persecute those in the education system who go against the evolutionist machine is now being used to promote sexual deviancy in schools and cancel anyone with biblical and traditional values.

There Can Be Only One.

Separate from proving God, which has been done, is trying to prove which God or other intelligent being created us. Creationists believe the God of the Bible is by far the most likely candidate and the only being with the evidence on His side.

Of all the religions and faith traditions that proclaim a God, the one most aligned with what we see in nature and science is indeed the God of the Bible. He is also the only one claiming to be the Universe’s Creator.

Can I prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords through whom everything was made? No. However, I strongly believe Jesus Christ and His infallible Word will be the logical conclusion that every person will come to if they are presented with the evidence.

Throughout this website and by linking to resources of many people smarter than me, I will make a case for the Triune God of the Bible being the designer and Creator of everything.

The video above is from

Our earth, biological life, and the universe have been created. That is all provable. Theories and the probabilities of random accidental order are statistically nonsensical. 

More Proof Of God Is Below:

(The video above is from

These short videos are just small samples of the types of things I will write about and point you toward. I am not affiliated with any of these groups, and I don’t make one penny for promoting their sites, books, or DVDs.

I hope you will watch what is available here and on their websites for free. Then you might buy some of their DVDs or books to share with your family and friends.

The scientific evidence will either strengthen your faith or challenge your false beliefs with the overwhelming evidence of our awesome Creator. Discoveries in Molecular and Cell Biology clearly defy Darwin’s Evolution theory.

 One scientist I like, Stephen C. Meyer (Ph.D., from the University of Cambridge, Philosophy of Science), while writing about how it is not only cosmology that has rendered God the most plausible explanation for existence, wrote:

“As one surveys several classes of evidence from the natural sciences—cosmology, astronomy, physics, biochemistry, molecular biology, and paleontology—the God hypothesis emerges as an explanation with unique scope and power.”

From his book Return Of The God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries That Reveal The Mind Behind The Universe.

There Is Room For Disagreement.

This is a good video below. I don’t agree with every scientific claim in some of the videos and writings I will be using on this website. My goals are to prove God and save souls first and foremost.

 For example, I don’t have to agree with every scientist on their age theories in order to use their other good data and interpretations.

I will always try to point out my differing views when I feel it is necessary. Some scientists I use are not even Christians. Many are agnostics who help prove the existence of a Creator and designer. I may not consider them my brother, but I can respect them and their contributions to their field of study.

Believing factual science and theory are awesome things, but what you believe about Jesus and His Word is what determines the life you have here and where you will spend eternity.

I love science, and I want to show people how true science fits perfectly with the Bible, but what I love far more is contributing in some way to someone’s journey to a saving relationship with God.

Disclaimer for me: I disagree with their interpretation of the age of life on Earth mentioned in the video below. Although we may disagree on age theory, we agree on most other things.

(The above video is from

There Is Much Evidence To Share.

I will show the overwhelming scientific evidence for God, the accuracy of the Bible, and the harmony of Science, God, and The Bible.

I will show this through Archaeology and other scientific fields like Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Biology, Paleontology, Astronomy, Cosmology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and more.

I will use different scientists and other brilliant people to show strong evidence that the designer who has left His fingerprints worldwide is the God of the Bible. I will use the work of other scientists to back up the Bible’s authority and inherency.

I will share fulfilled Bible prophecies to which no other book compares.

I will show strong evidence for Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

I will make a case for the Bible… the Holy Book of all books, which claims that all things were created by and through Jesus Christ.

Colossians 1:16-17 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. 17 And He is before all things, and in Him, all things consist. 

I Am Not Reinventing The Wheel.

I don’t need to reinvent the wheel here. Great scientists and faithful servants of God have been studying and giving answers for hundreds of years. Philosophers, prophets, and faithful followers of God have been seeking and answering questions for thousands of years.

Many intellectual giants have done the hard work, whose coattails many like me are honored to surf on.

Servants of God have done the heavy lifting and made contending for the Christian faith much easier for the rest of us. At this time in history, we have enormous amounts of resources to glean from in order to know the truth about God, if only we would seek them out.

God is the one who has ultimately done the heavy lifting. He made it all. He gave us His inherent Word. He holds all things in the universe together.

He gave us minds to study His Word for answers and allows us so many other ways in His Cosmos and nature to learn about His creative mind and attributes.

Answers are abundant for all who want the truth. If we want to obey God and His will for our lives, He will help us! We have more evidence than ever, but in our society, we also have more distractions and deception than ever before.

Science Is On The Side Of The Christian.

The God of the Bible, the creator of the universe, has proven His existence in multiple ways. Scientists of every kind have revealed droves of evidence for the existence of God.

I have many articles to publish and mountains of content to link to from virtually every field of science.

Most of which will display how science is God’s creation and His revelation of Himself.

 I’ll show how science proves God and perfectly harmonizes with the Bible.

God Doesn’t Change, But Science Does.

Much in science has changed over the years (at least common scientific beliefs have), but God and His Word have never budged an inch.

God created science, all the laws of physics and chemistry, the complexity of organisms, and everything else mankind has discovered.

Those who seek biblical and scientific answers will be encouraged throughout this website. There is no need for blind faith.

Proving that God is real and that the Bible is reliable and accurate are easy tasks these days because of discoveries in virtually every subset of the three major branches of science: physical science, life science, and earth science.

 As previously stated, I will link to the websites of brilliant scientists of every sort and some of their books and videos.

My Desire For This Site.

 I pray that God will use my website to open spiritually blinded eyes and strengthen the faith of those who can already see.

The main purpose of this website is to lead you to eternal salvation and to ensure you KNOW you are saved. And I want to help strengthen the faith of all believers!

I Want To Help People Avoid Deception.

I want to do my part in countering Satan’s wicked schemes of lies and distraction. Satan is real. He is smart, and he and his demons are organized and good at what they do. 

I will Point You To Truthful And Faithful Sources.

Apart from scientific truths, I will link to ministries of faithful preachers who have not been compromised. In case you haven’t noticed, there are a lot of false teachers around.

I will point out false teachings and declare and point you to the truth. Jesus and His Word are the source(s) of all Truth.

Another problem is pastors who don’t have the courage to speak the whole truth. Too many will not address the tough issues that so many people are facing because they are scared they will be canceled or disliked.

Some won’t speak the truth about some issues because they will lose donors.

Many faithful men of God still have not bowed their knee to Baal! I thank God for the faithful pastors, writers, and scientists who are on the front lines of the information war. 

I appreciate all seekers of truth…even those who haven’t realized they have found it yet.  Are you seeking truth? Because that is all you will find here.

Everything I state about God on this website is based on God’s Holy Word. I will always aim for that! I am a Bible-believing Christian. And that is the only kind of Christian, in case you weren’t aware.

Where Is Your Trust?

God’s word is perfect, and that is my authority. What is your authority, Scientists, your feelings? There are plenty of doubters and deniers. Will you place your faith in men who claim that God doesn’t care about us or that He doesn’t exist? Or will you trust the Most High?

Please realize that there are also too many scientists to count who believe in the existence of God. And there are tens of thousands of them who do not believe in macroevolution.

There are more scientists out there who believe in the existence of God than the average person realizes. Still, these scientists are silenced, ostracized, and persecuted by the evolutionist propagandist machine.

When they go against that machine, they are defunded and de-platformed.

The macro-evolution theory is an anti-science fairytale. Evolution is not a proven fact, so it should not be promoted dogmatically as if it were. Yet, it is taught and promoted as such in many schools.

The problem with using the word ‘theory’ in this case is that scientists usually use it to mean a well-substantiated explanation of data…such as Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and Newton’s Theory of Gravity. Evolution theory does not deserve to be in the same building as those.

Evolution should not even be called a theory. It would be better to say that particle-to-people evolution is an unsubstantiated hypothesis or conjecture.  

Particles-to-people evolution would require changes that increase genetic information (e.g., specifications for manufacturing nerves, muscle, bone, etc.), but “all we observe” is sorting and overwhelming loss of information.

The sorting and other activities in the cell are amazing and clearly designed.

We see minor changes within a kind. Variation within a kind by means of Natural Selection is all we observe now or in any of the fossil evidence. These potential changes occur from existing genetic information (placed there by our masterful Creator).

What we do observe is speciation and adaptation within boundaries. Those occur by means of preexisting genetic information. That is not evolution. They call that evolution and then call imaginary things evolution to muddy the waters in order to push their lie.

It is also termed by some as micro-evolution, but speciation is within the ‘kind’ and involves no new genetic information. The word species was not in existence when the bible was written, let alone at the time of Genesis.

English scholar John Ray (1627–1705) was the earliest systematist to achieve a species definition.

I Love Science!

I love science, and I depend on smart scientists and authors for information that I can use to prove the existence of our Creator. Most of the well-known scientific minds of the past were Christians.

And yes, many of the great minds today are Christians or at least scientists who acknowledge there has to be a Creator of the cosmos.

Here are just a couple of those many scientists’ websites that are destroying the lies of evolution.


(check out my resource page above for more good sites, ones with differing views about the age of the earth)

This is just a short video that grasps some of the issues I care about. It’s a bit cheesy and not affiliated with the sites above to my knowledge… but I like it.

The above video is from

I Have Answers. Not because I am brilliant but because the real truth is available to those seeking it. And as I stated above, others have done the heavy lifting. Here is another example.

(The above video is from

I will eventually provide answers or links to virtually every question or objection someone could have about God’s existence, faith, life, death, the Bible, creation, science, intelligent design, and much more.

I will point out misconceptions about Christianity, Jesus, the Christian life, social issues, and more.

Not only will I list many great books, articles, and preachers I trust, but I will eventually list men and women I feel are false teachers and heretics. 

If I get questions, I will do my best to provide answers.


David L.

Do You Want True Peace In Your Soul?

Do You Want Peace? Then Be Forgiven.


You can fill that void within your soul. You can have peace in your life by being forgiven by the Creator of the universe. You can be forgiven for everything bad you have ever done in your thoughts or by your actions. Those things are called sin, in case you didn’t know.

I Once Was Lost, But Now I’m Found

I experienced peace for the first time when I was 26. I was a lost sinner saved and forgiven by the one and only Awesome Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus gave me a new heart and life.

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Heaven Will Be Awesome!

Not only can you make peace with God and have peace in your life, but if you do, you will get to live forever in heaven, which the Bible says is cooler than you or I can even imagine.

1 Corinthians 2:9

But as it is written:
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”Jesus-Bible-Cross-unsplash

Are You Saved And Born Again?

John 3:3

Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

If you think you are a good person and good enough to go to heaven, the Bible says you are wrong, my friend.  Here is just one verse that says so.

Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

There Is A Solution To Our Problem.

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

You, me, and every other person on this earth (who isn’t an innocent child) deserve hell. There are many different levels of hell and punishment. All of them are eternal separation from the Creator and lover of your soul. And separation from your family, friends, and all the awesome things God created for us in heaven and throughout the universe!

However, you don’t have to go to hell; instead, you can go to the new heavens and earth that He wants you to take part in.

Believing In God’s Existence And Going To Church won’t Save You!

You don’t become a Christian by attending church or believing that God exists. You only become a Christian by faith in Jesus Christ and Him Crucified, resulting in a relationship with Jesus, a peace inside that passes all understanding and, someday, the glories of Heaven.

Believing in Him,” as John 3:16 states, includes believing in who Jesus was, is, and why He came to earth. He didn’t come to earth only to be a great example for us. He came to die for our sins. He took the payment for the wickedness of all mankind. We have differing degrees of sinfulness, but we are all guilty.

You Must Receive The Gift By Faith.

God’s forgiveness and righteousness are gifts to those who will receive them, but only through acknowledging our sinfulness, that we deserve judgment by the Holy-Perfect-Creator Of The Universe, that we can be forgiven only by His Grace Through Faith In Jesus Christ and His Payment For Our Sins On The Cross.

A payment that could have only been paid by Jesus, who lived a sinless life that we can’t live no matter how hard we try.

Romans 3:21-26

21 But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, 22 even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference;

23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,

25 whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed,

26 to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.

Do you want to be free inside? Do you want to be saved from the penalties of sin?  Do you want to avoid eternal separation from God and His amazing Heaven?

Pray to God. Just talk to Him out loud or silently in your mind.

Admit your sinfulness and your need for the only Savior, Jesus Christ, who died for our sins on the cross.

John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Jesus paid for our sins on the cross. That is why He left the glories of heaven and came here to earth. He lived a sinless life and willingly allowed people to crucify Him. So we could be reconciled to our Creator.Jesus-hug

God created you, and He loves you!  Ask Him to forgive you and be your Savior. He will do it, and you will be saved!

You must believe and have faith in Jesus Christ and what He did for you. You must believe He died on the cross to pay for our sin debt and that He rose from the grave.

God’s forgiveness, don’t leave home without it.


This below is often referred to as the sinner’s prayer. It is a collection of scriptural facts from the Bible condensed into a prayer. The words in the prayer alone won’t save you! It is from “believing by faith” what you are praying that saves you because you are confessing faith in Jesus Christ and His payment for our sins on the cross.

“God, I admit to you that I am a sinner, and I know I cannot do anything to earn my way into your kingdom. I truly believe that Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and rose from the grave. I put my faith in His sacrifice to pay for my sin debt in full.”

In Jesus Name, Amen!

Jesus Christ and Him crucified is our only hope. Believing the words (God’s Words) and confessing them to God by faith is the only thing that can save you. He will forgive you and give you a new heart; it will be the most important thing you have ever done or will ever do!

If you prayed it “and believed it”… if you believe it and “prayed it by faith,” you will be saved, and your name will be written in the Lamb’s book of Life! If you prayed this or a prayer similar and meant it, you have a new heart! If you aren’t sure, do it again until you are sure! God already knows your heart.   Trust in His Words and promises, not your feelings! 

David L.

Can I Get Saved?

Yes, you can get saved. According to the Bible, which is the written Word of God, yes, anyone can be saved!  And according to a research tool I used, forty people type “can I get saved?” into a search engine every month.

He Is A Prayer Away.

However, the obvious next question is, what do you need to do to be saved? I will gladly answer that question in this letter also. If I can help at least one person, this will be worth every second!



The short answer is you must believe the correct things about Jesus, yourself, and mankind as a whole in order to be saved.

I am writing this letter to every person who has ever wondered “how do we go to heaven” when we leave the earth we are living on right now.

What Is Heaven Like?

Here are just a few verses about heaven:

Revelation 21:3-5 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And He said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

1 Corinthians 2:9 – But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.

It’s better than we can imagine! Like me, I am sure you can imagine great things…wow.

Not only does being saved mean going to heaven and avoiding punishment, but it also means having peace inside after receiving forgiveness and having a personal relationship with Jesus.

I can speak from experience that I have a peace inside that I never had before I became a real Christian.

The Bible is true!



More Good News Is Coming, But First, The Bad News.

You aren’t good, and neither am I!


We don’t have much time left. Life on earth is short.

Because of sin, we are born separated from God.  Without intervention, we are unable to dwell with God. This applies to the entire human race. You are not alone. We are all sinners who need a Savior.

Romans 3:10 says, “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:”

Also, in Psalm 14:1-3, Psalm 53:1-3 “there is none that doeth good, no, not one.”

Romans 3:23says, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God;”

Romans 6:23a: “For the wages of sin is death;”

Revelation 21:8“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone:”

To be separated from God forever, simply do nothing. To ignore or reject God’s Son is to be already condemned. (Revelation 20:15, 2 Thes. 1:7-9).

God is Good, Just, and Holy. He created it all, and He can do what He wants. Whatever He does will be right. Whatever He has done and will do is best, even if we don’t understand. He sets the terms.

Degrees Of Punishment.

Several places in the Bible speak of different degrees of punishment, as though there are or will be levels of hell for the unrepentant. I will write about that at a later time. I will only touch on this subject now; an unforgiven pedophile or murderer will obviously be worse off than the average God-rejector or unforgiven thief.

There is no such thing as purgatory. That is not taught in the Bible. You can’t earn or suffer your way into Heaven.

Some theologians also believe that the lengths of sentences and possibly the timespan of consciousness may differ in hell depending on the amount of light one has rejected. Either way, all paths in hell don’t lead anywhere good.

It is outside of the mainstream Christian view and considered heresy by some, but many believe in the eventual or even the immediate annihilation of the soul in Hell after the Great White Throne Judgement.

Yet, It isn’t heresy if you only discuss hypothetical possibilities that don’t contradict scripture, and that is all I’m doing on this page. After all, Hell and the Lake Of Fire do indeed have some mystery to them.

I certainly don’t believe anyone will be immediately annihilated after dying here on Earth if annihilation were even possible. We will all be judged by God for our choices made on Earth.

We will all stand before a Holy God who will do what He deems correct. What the Maker of it all says is the way it goes.

It is not logical to think an unforgiven soul on judgment day would receive less of a sentence than a criminal here on Earth would receive in our current judicial systems.

The Bible is clear that every knee shall bow before God someday, and every tongue will confess Jesus Is Lord. Some people will bow before Him preceding everlasting awesomeness, and some will bow before Him preceding their everlasting damnation.

If there were a way of eventual annihilation of consciousness for certain unrepentant lost souls (without violating God’s written Word, of course), it would be up to Judge Jesus. However, it’s quite probable that no soul will ever be annihilated.

However, I think the view of eventual annihilation of consciousness “after” a hundred years of punishment for some or a thousand years for others, depending on what they knew, did, or rejected, isn’t a crazy idea as long as it doesn’t contradict scripture.

Fitting or imposing into scripture verses the possibility for the annihilation of some unsaved souls is definitely conjecture, to say the least.

The Bible clearly states Hell itself is eternal, and Satan, the beast, and the false prophet will be there forever, in conscious torment of some kind.

The Bible also teaches that those who worship the beast and receive a mark on their forehead or hand will also have eternal conscious torment of some kind.

So, eternal-conscious torment, at least for those who receive the mark of the Beast and worship him, is clearly taught in the Bible.

I’m sure you have heard the saying, “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.” I have a more applicable one for this subject: Avoid hell at all costs, and don’t risk your soul no matter what hell will be like or could be like! 

Even the best-case scenario sentence in hell will still be horrible. Please don’t find out. 

I think it is fair to believe that everyone in hell‘s best-case scenario will be one of mental torment like regret and utter despair for at least as long as a life sentence in prison here on earth. That is if there was part of the lake of fire that was psychological only and not both physical and psychological for all people who enter. It very well may be both for all who go.

How about this hypothetical thought: Even if your personal sentence in hell were a beachfront paradise for eternity, without God’s further intervention, your seclusion and thoughts would eventually cause you to go insane. I am not claiming hell is like a beach, but that would be a logical conclusion to imagine if it were so.

Those who think the soul in an indestructible body will suffer consciously and physically in Hellfire have a logical reason to think so. Those who think it is consciously and mentally only in Hell have a logical reason to think so. Those who think what goes into a lake of fire will eventually be annihilated have logical assumptions for that view.

Every Christian should agree on the following truths. God is good and will do what is right. We should always give our Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent Creator the benefit of the doubt. He made it all, including us, so He can do what He wants whether or not we “feel” it is best or not.

Logically, there will be varying degrees of punishment in Hell (no pun intended) and levels of reward in Heaven. More importantly, God’s Word teaches these facts.

The Bible speaks of hell ultimately as the lake of fire but also speaks of it as a place of darkness and separation from God and all other people.  It is also described as a prison, the bottomless pit, and the abyss.

There is much about Heaven and Hell that the Bible doesn’t tell us, but God’s Word does clearly speak details in many places.

Jesus spoke more about Hell than He spoke about Heaven.

The Bible teaches that Hell was initially created for Satan and the other fallen angels.

After Satan, the beast, and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire, then it reads, “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life, was cast into the lake of fire.”

But right before that, it reads:

Rev. 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

That is the last place in the scriptures where God seems to imply different sentences or degrees of punishment, even in the lake of fire. 

There are either different sections of the Lake of Fire, and/or the Lake of Fire is a gateway or portal to one’s eternal destination.

Regardless, let’s not go there! I’m going to Heaven…please make sure to join me! I want to meet you in Heaven, friend! You don’t deserve Heaven, and neither do I. Thanks to God’s grace and mercy, we can get what we don’t deserve and avoid what we do deserve.

God didn’t intend hell for you and me. We will only go there if we choose to. If we choose to reject God’s love and forgiveness, we would be choosing hell.

God made a way to escape hell, no matter what hell is like. The Way is Jesus.

There is no neutral opinion for anyone to have about Jesus. If someone claims neutrality about who Jesus is and claims to be, they are thereby rejecting Him.

God is Good, Just, and Holy. He made it all, and He can do what He wants. Whatever He does will be right. Whatever He has done and will do is best.

Most people think they are good.

Sorry, but God says differently. Most people compare themselves to people they know; if they feel they are better than at least half, they feel they are pretty good. That is called self-righteousness.

If you think you are good enough to go to heaven, then you are self-righteous. If you think you can get to Heaven any way but through Jesus Christ and Him crucified, then you are self-righteous and deceived.

That was what the Pharisees and Sadducees believed about themselves.

Self-righteousness is the biggest obstacle preventing people from God and heaven. We should compare ourselves to Jesus to realize we are in bad shape on our own. We all need help!

There Is Good News!

Jesus Is God The Son, and He lived a perfect, sinless life. He is the answer!

There is no amount of good works we can do to save ourselves from being eternally separated from God. We can’t earn it.

We can only receive Heaven, God, forgiveness, and peace as gifts.

Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”

John 3:18: “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”

There is a simple and free way to be reconciled with God made possible by God’s only son, Jesus. He was nailed to a Roman cross to shed His blood in payment for your sin. Then, on the third day after His death, He rose from the dead, validating His qualification to be our only Savior once and for all.God-hug

Placing your complete trust in Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection is the one and only way to be reconciled to God.

Jesus said (John 14:6), “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

John 3:16 & 17 are clear. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”

The Bible clearly tells us how to be saved:

Romans 10:9-10 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart, man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.”

This Is A Free Gift From God Because He Loves You.

Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Romans 10:13 “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Are you ready to believe right now?  If so, simply tell God what He asked you to confess. Pray a prayer similar to the one below:

This below is often referred to as the sinner’s prayer. It is a collection of scriptural facts from the Bible condensed into a prayer. The words in the prayer alone won’t save you. It is ONLY by believing by faith what you are praying that saves you because you are confessing faith in Jesus Christ and His payment for our sins on the cross!

“God, I admit to you that I am a sinner, and I know I cannot do anything to earn my way into your kingdom. I truly believe that Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and rose from the grave. I put my faith in His sacrifice to pay for my sin debt in full.”

In Jesus Name, Amen!


Jesus Christ and Him crucified is our only hope!

Believing the words(God’s Words) and confessing them to God by faith is the only thing that can save you!

He will forgive you; He will give you a new heart. It will be the most important thing you have ever done or will ever do! 

“If you prayed it and believed it, and if you believed it and prayed it by faith,” then you are saved, and your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life!

If you prayed a similar prayer and meant it, you now have a new heart!

If you aren’t sure, do it again until you are sure! God already knows your heart.   Trust in His Words and promises, not your feelings! 

Jesus conquered the grave. He Is Risen!


David L.

Jesus The Christ, One Of a Kind!

Both Jesus and Christianity are unique. One of the many ways Jesus is unique is that He is the only foundational being of any faith or religion whose name is commonly used as a curse word.

Have you ever heard Buddha, Allah, Muhamad, Joseph Smith, or any of the other’s names used in vain or even as curse words? Nope. Have you used any of those yourself after accidentally hitting your finger with a hammer? Nope.


That is not a coincidence. Satan hates the Messiah and wants people to blaspheme the name of Jesus.

The evil one has been influencing and conditioning culture in every way he knows how for thousands of years. Our speech is just one way he does it.

The world system that Satan and his demons wreak havoc in hates Jesus.

Those who hate and persecute Christians do so because they hate Jesus. Jesus told His disciples this would be the case.

John 15:18 “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world; therefore, the world hates you.

Yet, nothing reveals Jesus as being worlds above all the rest more clearly than Jesus Christ had the power to come back to life after He was crucified. Jesus has conquered death!  That is unique, to say the least.


The Cross

The New Testament resurrection of Christ gives accounts of Jesus not only alive but glorified. He has risen! He Is Risen!

Jesus was resurrected and glorified! He is alive and reigns right now. He will reign in His perfect kingdom again soon. Grab your ticket, friend!

Every other faith requires you to do, try, and earn your way into heaven, bliss, enlightenment, reincarnation, or some similar place or state of consciousness.

Other Religions Say DO, But Christianity Says DONE!

The way of truth and faith is simple and depends on Jesus’ work, not ours. All other contents in God’s Word are mainly there for us to know Him and to know and live in the Truth.

And His Holy Word is there for us to receive His guidance, guardrails, and guidelines for our safety…formulas for peace, love, joy, fulfillment, and purpose in order to glorify the Author of our existence.

So Much Evidence That Backs Up The Bible.

The Bible contains the only documented dispute of the resurrection. The Pharisees told the guards to lie and say the disciples stole the body of Jesus. They are the only ones who claimed Jesus didn’t rise from the dead. There aren’t any records of dispute anywhere else. That in itself is pretty astounding.

God’s Word should be enough for the Christian, but we have much more evidence. Jesus appeared to over 500 people, and these accounts were written about by sources outside of the Bible as well as in the Bible. Here are just a couple of the most well-known historians below.

Many Outside Sources Back Up The Bible.

The Bible Is Enough, but there are outside sources too. Here are just two of them:

The Jewish historian Flavius Josephus was born in A.D 37. In about A.D. 90, he wrote his book “Antiquities Of The Jews” in which he writes a history of the Jewish people.

Cornelius Tacitus (AD 55-120) is often called the “greatest Roman historian” of ancient Rome. He authored two large works — the Annals and the Histories.

Archaeology Proves The Bible’s Accuracy.

Archaeology only supports the Bible and has never disputed anything in the Bible. Archaeologists use the Bible as a map to search because even nonchristian archaeologists know it is historically reliable.

The ones who seek to disprove the Bible only help prove its reliability. God works all things together for good for those who love Him Romans 8:28.

God even uses the efforts of God-haters to fulfill His purposes. And God laughs!

Here is a great article on more reasons to trust in the resurrection of Jesus.

The Cross And Him Crucified.

Resurrection is a major component of the Christian faith, and its uniqueness compared to other world religions is often missed.Jesus Saves It is unique, it is historical, and it proved Jesus was who He said He was.

Not only was it supernaturally unique, but the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus is the key to heaven, and it is the way of victory!


For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2

The Biblical worldview is unparalleled in its promise of a resurrected body for the believer.  Jesus’ resurrection is a vital and non-negotiable point of doctrine because Jesus said that His resurrection would prove He was the Savior.

Christianity is absolutely and unequivocally unique in that its founder- Jesus Christ- could and did enact His own resurrection.

Romans 1:4 and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.

From Cowards to Bold Heroes Of The Faith!

Mockers, scoffers, skeptics, and doubters have put forth arguments and alternative theories, but one of the most convincing arguments for the truth of the resurrection of Jesus is the transformed lives of His disciples.

Immediately after having reported seeing Jesus alive, these previously cowardly, broken, disappointed disciples turned into brave, determined, zealous messengers of the Gospel.

They experienced persecution, prison, and death. None of those pressures caused them to change their story or to deny that they had seen Jesus bodily resurrected because they saw it firsthand.

Not long afterward, their preaching that Jesus had conquered death and risen from the grave would transform the entire world. James and Paul didn’t become Christians until after Jesus’ resurrection.

Paul was a terror to Christians before that. James was a doubter at the very minimum.

What could have happened to change their minds?  What happened was they had each encountered the living Jesus. Jesus is the answer to everything!

Just As God Said.

So-called atheists, skeptics, and determined unbelievers have spent years of their lives trying to explain away Jesus’ resurrection with speculation and theory.

However, the facts back up the accounts in the Bible. The more discoveries that are unearthed, the more the Word of God is proven reliable!

After His death on the cross, Jesus came back to life under the power of God the Father, just as He had promised to do.

The reality of eternal life is offered to all!  The gift of salvation and the Giver of life Himself are each as close by as a prayer.

Christ’s resurrection gives humanity a rock-solid promise and a personally comforting assurance of salvation…



if we would recognize our sinfulness and need for the Savior, then accept His gift, which is Himself, and eternal life because of who He is (perfect God incarnate) and His payment for our sin on the cross!

Then you can KNOW you are saved!

1 John 5:13

These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.


Are You A Christian?

Are You A Christian?

There is so much evidence for God. Knowing about the evidence that shows God and His Word are true is a great thing, but that alone won’t save you.

And simply believing God exists definitely does not make you a Christian. I was twenty-six when I had that fact explained to me.

James 2:19: Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

                          I hope you will honestly ask yourself a few questions about yourself and God.

                         I am just telling you what God says.

Recent scientific polls show that most “professing Christians” in America think they are Christian because they have gone to church, their parents were professing Christians, and/or they believe in God.

God’s Word clearly teaches that none of those things in the previous paragraph make someone a Christian believer.

Christian beliefs come from Biblical teachings from God, which are historical events and facts that were also recorded in the Bible. If someone’s beliefs aren’t from the Bible, they aren’t Christian beliefs…it’s pretty simple logic.

Those polls I referenced above, and many others, also show that most people with those beliefs about themselves and a majority of other Americans think they will go to heaven because they feel they are good people. That is also not taught in the Bible.

Feelings are often unreliable!  And in case you haven’t noticed by now, people are wicked and evil. Sure, according to the standards most societies judge by, there are many “good” people. However, the rating system of society is not the standard of God.

None Good.

God’s Word says none of us are good according to His standard. He made it all, and it doesn’t matter if you or I think we are good or better than a neighbor or coworker.

Romans 3: 9-10: What then? Are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin;10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:

Sorry if you didn’t know, but we aren’t good.

I am not claiming you aren’t a nice-decent person or that there aren’t nice-decent people in the world. According to the world’s standards, you may be a swell person. What about God’s standard?

Try looking at the Ten Commandments and see if you have broken any of them in your whole life.

Have you lied or stolen, even once? I have. If you have, that makes you a thief and a liar. I am only telling you what God says.

How about when Jesus explained some of the commandments even further? He said looking with lust is adultery in our hearts. I think it’s fair to say we all failed that one! Don’t you agree?

God gave us the commandments to show us His standard and that we can’t meet that standard on our own.

We Need A Savior. 

The commandments and statutes of God are great and good. Christian or not, following His commandments brings blessing. Christians should desire and aim to keep His Commandments, but nobody but Jesus has ever kept them perfectly. Most of us couldn’t keep them all for one day.

However, Jesus is perfect. He has been eternally perfect as God the Son, but He came to Earth and lived thirty-three years of perfection as a man. For over thirty-three years, He laid aside some elements and aspects of His all-powerful self and never sinned one time.

Jesus lived with all the same temptations as us, yet without sinning. By doing so, He could suffer and die on the cross, as the perfect Lamb of God, for the sins of all mankind. Jesus willingly shed His precious blood and died on that cross for our sins.

It is only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and Him crucified that we can be saved.

That in the ages to come He might shew the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Not of works, lest any man should boast.

We must trust in Jesus as the perfect sacrifice as payment on our behalf. We can’t attain righteousness on our own, no matter how hard we try! He paid our ransom! Jesus secured our redemption!

We can’t keep the Ten Commandments perfectly, nor can we acquire perfection in any other way than through Jesus’ Blood and Righteousness. He lived a perfect and sinless life even though He was tempted in all points as we are. 

God is Holy. And only Jesus’s sinless perfection given to us will satisfy God’s wrath, which we have stored up because of our sins.

Jesus took the payment for our sins on the bloody cross, and He still offers us His righteousness in return. That is the best transaction in the world!

We’ve Failed.

Adam and Eve failed the test. We failed the test. Only God could come to earth as a man and take that test perfectly during His earthly life. Jesus did that for us. Jesus is God incarnate. That means He is God in human form, and He will credit His perfection to our account as a gift if we trust and believe correctly by faith.

 Do You Want Peace Inside? Do You Want Forgiveness?

Romans 15:13

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
To be a Christian and have peace in your soul and spirit, you must receive God’s forgiveness.

We all need God’s forgiveness in order to have peace with God, and then we can have inner peace from God, now and in eternity!

Philippians 4:6-7

 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.Jesus-hug

Without being forgiven, we can’t have peace in our souls, and we won’t go to heaven. Jesus came to earth to suffer and die on a cruel, excruciating cross to pay the penalty for our sins.

You are a sinful creature, and so am I. Some people are worse than others, but we all fall way short of His Holy standard.

God allows us to go our own way and reject Him by giving mankind free will. He made human beings, not androids. 

Free will is necessary for us to express and experience love. Unfortunately,                           free will also allows the possibility for us to do evil.

Most people hate that evil exists in the world, but most don’t realize God hates it more than we ever could, and evil will come to an end one day.

His created beings hurt and abuse each other; by doing that, we also sin against our Creator.

However, He wants reconciliation. He provided a way for reconciliation at the cross but allows us to choose. He won’t force Himself into your heart and life!

Making sure you and your loved ones go to heaven when you die is the most important thing in the world. Yet, God offers so much more to us “before we die.” Peace, joy, and fulfillment are three gifts He will give to every believer once we become reconciled to Him by Jesus’s work on the cross.

You Must Be Born Again.

To go to heaven when you die, you must be born again. What does born again mean? It means saved, forgiven, justified, regenerated, cleansed, redeemed, rescued, and reconciled by the precious Blood of Jesus!

That is the definition of a Christian.

All those transitive verbs above essentially describe the same thing when discussing salvation. They describe being spiritually baptized on the inside. Jesus’ disciples baptized people in physical water “after” they were baptized on the inside by the Living Water, which is a phrase that describes The Holy Spirit.

You are not a Christian unless you acknowledge your lost condition, recognize who Jesus is, and put your faith and trust in Him and His payment on the cross for the forgiveness of your sin.

You must realize that Jesus alone paid your penalty, which are the terms set by a Holy and Righteous God.

If you haven’t believed those by faith and settled that with God, you are not a Christian.

Physical Water Baptism Saves Nobody.

Water baptism is Biblical only when done “after someone becomes reconciled to God” by accepting Jesus as Savior, by receiving His grace through faith. That can only be done by recognizing our sinfulness and fallen nature, recognizing that Jesus is who He claims to be in the Bible, and then by us receiving His forgiveness.

By Faith Alone.

Our forgiveness is only possible because of our sin debt being paid by Jesus on the cross almost 2,000 years ago. He paid our debt, but we must believe by faith to make the transaction our own.

Jesus said in Matthew 26:28, for this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.”




1. The cancellation of a debt, charge, or penalty: 

2. Discharge from that which is due; relinquishment of a claim, right, or obligation; pardon of transgression; release from forfeiture, penalty, debt, etc.

“You are worthy to take the scroll,
And to open its seals;
For You were slain,
And have redeemed us to God by Your blood
Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,




1. to compensate for the faults or bad aspects of (something or someone):

2. to gain or regain possession of (something or someone) in exchange for payment:

What Is A Believer? What Is A Christian?

A believer and a Christian are not only someone who believes in God’s existence. A believer is someone who has acknowledged their sinfulness and their need for a Savior. They recognize and confess that the Messiah, Jesus Christ foretold in the Old Testament, died for our sins and rose from the dead on the third day.

A believer is a saved soul who has placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior because of His finished work on the cross as payment for their sins.

              All that is what is translated into the word believe in our Bibles.

                                                  Jesus Is Lord!

      Jesus was and Is the Messiah that was prophesied. He Is God, The Son.

For our salvation, faith and trust in Him alone is the only thing that saves anyone.

That is what the Bible teaches.

If you think anything otherwise, you do not have a Biblical worldview. I was 26 before I learned what the Bible (God) actually taught about salvation. Satan and the world system he governs have deceived most people. I was one of the deceived.

I love you, friend! I want you to have the peace I have inside! I want you to know the joy only God can give, and I want you to experience heaven someday!

Are you ready to believe right now?  If so, tell God what He asked you to confess in His Word. Pray a prayer similar to the one below:

This below is often referred to as the sinner’s prayer. It is a collection of scriptural facts condensed into a prayer. The words in the prayer alone won’t save you. It is ONLY by believing what you are praying by faith that saves you because you are confessing faith in Jesus Christ and His payment for your sins on the cross!

“God, I admit to you that I am a sinner, and I know I cannot do anything to earn my way into your kingdom. I truly believe that Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and rose from the grave. I put my faith in His sacrifice to pay for my sin debt in full.”

In Jesus Name, Amen!