Both Jesus and Christianity are unique. One of the many ways Jesus is unique is that He is the only foundational being of any faith or religion whose name is commonly used as a curse word.
Have you ever heard Buddha, Allah, Muhamad, Joseph Smith, or any of the other’s names used in vain or even as curse words? Nope. Have you used any of those yourself after accidentally hitting your finger with a hammer? Nope.
That is not a coincidence. Satan hates the Messiah and wants people to blaspheme the name of Jesus.
The evil one has been influencing and conditioning culture in every way he knows how for thousands of years. Our speech is just one way he does it.
The world system that Satan and his demons wreak havoc in hates Jesus.
Those who hate and persecute Christians do so because they hate Jesus. Jesus told His disciples this would be the case.
John 15:18 “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world; therefore, the world hates you.
Yet, nothing reveals Jesus as being worlds above all the rest more clearly than Jesus Christ had the power to come back to life after He was crucified. Jesus has conquered death! That is unique, to say the least.
The New Testament resurrection of Christ gives accounts of Jesus not only alive but glorified. He has risen! He Is Risen!
Jesus was resurrected and glorified! He is alive and reigns right now. He will reign in His perfect kingdom again soon. Grab your ticket, friend!
Every other faith requires you to do, try, and earn your way into heaven, bliss, enlightenment, reincarnation, or some similar place or state of consciousness.
Other Religions Say DO, But Christianity Says DONE!
The way of truth and faith is simple and depends on Jesus’ work, not ours. All other contents in God’s Word are mainly there for us to know Him and to know and live in the Truth.
And His Holy Word is there for us to receive His guidance, guardrails, and guidelines for our safety…formulas for peace, love, joy, fulfillment, and purpose in order to glorify the Author of our existence.
So Much Evidence That Backs Up The Bible.
The Bible contains the only documented dispute of the resurrection. The Pharisees told the guards to lie and say the disciples stole the body of Jesus. They are the only ones who claimed Jesus didn’t rise from the dead. There aren’t any records of dispute anywhere else. That in itself is pretty astounding.
God’s Word should be enough for the Christian, but we have much more evidence. Jesus appeared to over 500 people, and these accounts were written about by sources outside of the Bible as well as in the Bible. Here are just a couple of the most well-known historians below.
Many Outside Sources Back Up The Bible.
The Bible Is Enough, but there are outside sources too. Here are just two of them:
The Jewish historian Flavius Josephus was born in A.D 37. In about A.D. 90, he wrote his book “Antiquities Of The Jews” in which he writes a history of the Jewish people.
Cornelius Tacitus (AD 55-120) is often called the “greatest Roman historian” of ancient Rome. He authored two large works — the Annals and the Histories.
Archaeology Proves The Bible’s Accuracy.
Archaeology only supports the Bible and has never disputed anything in the Bible. Archaeologists use the Bible as a map to search because even nonchristian archaeologists know it is historically reliable.
The ones who seek to disprove the Bible only help prove its reliability. God works all things together for good for those who love Him Romans 8:28.
God even uses the efforts of God-haters to fulfill His purposes. And God laughs!
Here is a great article on more reasons to trust in the resurrection of Jesus.
The Cross And Him Crucified.
Resurrection is a major component of the Christian faith, and its uniqueness compared to other world religions is often missed.
It is unique, it is historical, and it proved Jesus was who He said He was.
Not only was it supernaturally unique, but the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus is the key to heaven, and it is the way of victory!
For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2
The Biblical worldview is unparalleled in its promise of a resurrected body for the believer. Jesus’ resurrection is a vital and non-negotiable point of doctrine because Jesus said that His resurrection would prove He was the Savior.
Christianity is absolutely and unequivocally unique in that its founder- Jesus Christ- could and did enact His own resurrection.
Romans 1:4 and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.
From Cowards to Bold Heroes Of The Faith!
Mockers, scoffers, skeptics, and doubters have put forth arguments and alternative theories, but one of the most convincing arguments for the truth of the resurrection of Jesus is the transformed lives of His disciples.
Immediately after having reported seeing Jesus alive, these previously cowardly, broken, disappointed disciples turned into brave, determined, zealous messengers of the Gospel.
They experienced persecution, prison, and death. None of those pressures caused them to change their story or to deny that they had seen Jesus bodily resurrected because they saw it firsthand.
Not long afterward, their preaching that Jesus had conquered death and risen from the grave would transform the entire world. James and Paul didn’t become Christians until after Jesus’ resurrection.
Paul was a terror to Christians before that. James was a doubter at the very minimum.
What could have happened to change their minds? What happened was they had each encountered the living Jesus. Jesus is the answer to everything!
Just As God Said.
So-called atheists, skeptics, and determined unbelievers have spent years of their lives trying to explain away Jesus’ resurrection with speculation and theory.
However, the facts back up the accounts in the Bible. The more discoveries that are unearthed, the more the Word of God is proven reliable!
After His death on the cross, Jesus came back to life under the power of God the Father, just as He had promised to do.
The reality of eternal life is offered to all! The gift of salvation and the Giver of life Himself are each as close by as a prayer.
Christ’s resurrection gives humanity a rock-solid promise and a personally comforting assurance of salvation…
if we would recognize our sinfulness and need for the Savior, then accept His gift, which is Himself, and eternal life because of who He is (perfect God incarnate) and His payment for our sin on the cross!
Then you can KNOW you are saved!
These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.